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Green Elephant Blog

Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July Logo

In the Beginning

Plastic Free July had relatively humble beginnings in Perth where it started out in 2011 as a local council initiative. The aim was to educate and raise awareness within the community about the concept of ‘reusing’. The challenge has grown rapidly and is now a global movement engaging millions of people from more than 170 countries around the world. In 2019, 250 million people, schools, businesses and organisations participated in the challenge!!

What is the Goal?

The focus of Plastic Free July is to educate and encourage us all to rethink our behaviour when it comes to plastic waste, in particular, the ‘throw away’, single use plastic that so many of us use and then dispose of without thinking.

The Villains

The top 4 culprits are plastic bags, drink bottles, takeaway coffee cups and straws. Another common single use plastic that appears in many of our kitchens is cling wrap which no doubt features on the list of offenders. And so, Plastic Free July sets the challenge – politely decline single use plastic during the month of July.

Selection of Plastic Free Items

What Can We Do?

In taking up this challenge and really by just being more ‘aware’, we can reduce the amount of disposable plastic we consume. The key is to start small and set yourself a do-oable challenge. Don’t make it too easy because… well, this is a challenge….!!

Huge goals that are really hard to achieve normally just make us feel disheartened, and we end up giving in early… So do what you can within your means. Aiming for one small change that will become cemented in your lifestyle is far more valuable than a part completed, mammoth project that will most likely end up on the shelf.

So, whether you are a total newbie to the idea of a low waste lifestyle or a bit of a pro already, there is something for you during Plastic Free July and beyond…!! To help you set appropriate goals, you can enter for all or part of the month and choose an area you’d like to focus on whether that’s heading for zero waste, or avoiding the top 4.

The Low Hanging Fruit

The easiest and most obvious place to start for most people is to take a look at the top 4 and see where you can make changes. If you’re a regular takeaway coffee drinker, maybe a re-usable coffee cup could be your thing…??

New Zealand has already banned plastic shopping bags (yay!!) and most of us are on board with bringing our own grocery bags. But those pesky produce bags escaped the ban and are still scattered around the fresh fruit and vegetable section at the supermarket. So, these could be something to avoid if you currently use a lot of them!!

Produce Bags full of greens

A hot tip to avoid being ‘bagless’ when you really need one is to carry a foldable one with you at all times – in your handbag maybe. So if you go for an impromptu shop, you are good to go!! There are some practical and good looking shopping bag options here.

If cling film is a regular in your kitchen, a super easy swap you can make is to try beeswax food wrap instead. It’s a natural fabric infused with beeswax and can be used to cover bowls, protect and preserve cut fruit and vegetables and to wrap sandwiches or blocks of cheese. Take a look at our range of reusable Food Wrap here.

Then What

Once you’ve covered the basics, there are heaps of suggestions for more ‘advanced’ changes and choices you can make on the Plastic Free July website and right here on the Green Elephant Blog.

We wish you a fulfilling and enlightening journey to Plastic Free, where you can be safe in the knowledge that any efforts YOU make, however small, really do make a difference.

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